This is a poster of the movie called 'Sinister' which is a supernatural horror made in 2012. It uses a blood drawn picture made by a young girl creating a scary person or monster which you know the movie is based about as the caption says "once you see him, nothing can save you".
Many horror movies use blood to draw a picture or write the titles which is iconic for the horror genre as it creates a death and danger vibe as the colour red is usually used to represent danger or death.
Most horror movies are more famous if they have a famous producer as in this case it has made the movie seem really good as his previous 2 movies have been a big hit in the cinemas which brings more people to want to watch it.
The wall in the background is dark and crackling which makes it seem abandoned and creepy which is what most horror movies try and accomplish in the movie and it is what makes the viewer want to see more there for this poster succeeds in making the audience want to see the movie. It gives it the abandoned look and everyone would be scared to be alone in an abandoned building as it usually has ghosts or is haunted which is why most posters use the abandoned buildings idea.
As well as this the tape on the floor shows that there is going to be either one or several films that can either be a curse or have a very scary content in them.
In general posters are used in the film industry to advertise the movie so that it sells and makes more money for the industry. The more money made the better movies the industry can afford as a large part of the movies is the actors/actresses, props and the equipment they use. This is because if the technology and stetting are a great quality, people will more likely remember it. Secondly if the actors/actresses are well known then they will act the part well as they are famous for their great acting, there for making it realistic as well as making the movie have more viewers as some of the actors or actresses will have fans or people that would just want to see it because of their quality of acting.
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